Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hair Cut Needed

When Colton can put as many 'pretties' aka rubberbands in his hair as Ella, I think we need to pay a visit to the barber.

No Words...

Let's be honest: There are really no words necessary for this picture. Mason is all boy, 110%. Car, sword, nakedness.

Our Favorite Super Hero

Super Mason is always on the lookout for an opportunity to help someone. Maybe even in his own backyard...

Computer Kid

I can still remember the day we bought our first computer. I don't think Jaxon remembers life without one. He is probably more computer literate than me, and definitely enjoys looking things up and playing games on it. He keeps asking when we are going to get a new one, so he can inherit this one. So, I had to take this picture, because this is how Jaxon spends a lot of his free time.

"Doll" House

Mason likes Ella's Barbie house. A little too much. He decided to play with her and be a real Ken doll.