Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dumpster Diving

Ok, its official: I think I am now white trash. We went on base today to help a friend for a minute and I took along some big trash items that I needed to secretly dump on base. See, Germans are very not very generous when it comes to trash recepticals. Their trash cans are super small and even though we opted for the largest one they have (and pay a lot of money for it) I couldn't waste any inches inside my trash can for these bigger items that the previous tenants were rude enough to leave behind. So, although this is technically a no-no, I snuck on over to the big dumpsters on base by the housing area, donned my black clothes, masked my face and dumped my trash in the big bins. Then I saw it: a big box full of girl clothes and Barbies. Just laying there right on top. There were at least 20 Barbies in there. Good condition. Now this is the conversation going on inside my head: Nice Mom: "Ella would LOVE those. Mason would LOVE them even more..." Mean, I mean Rational Mom: "But Ella and Mason always leave the Barbies naked and I hate that." Nice Mom: "But these are free! They could just play with them for a day or two, and then we donate them."Mean, I mean rational Mom: "But you don't need any more Barbies! We have a ton that I just put away..." Nice Mom: "It would make them so happy..." Mean, I mean Rational Mom: "Its just more junk!!!" Nice Mom: "Hey look! What's that over there?" Mean, I mean Rational Mom: "Where??" Meanwhile Nice Mom grabbed the box out of the dumpster, shoved it in the trunk, and left mean, I mean Rational Mom sitting on the curb shaking her head.
Here's the box of Barbies and clothes:

Don't even say it Sean: they'll be gone LONG before you get home.
Now, I gotta back up and tell you about my exquisite morning. I slept in. This alone is a remarkable fact. I NEVER sleep in. It is very common for me to see a 4 in the hour section of my clock. Remember how the kids were worn out from the pool? Well, they slept in and and didn't wake until this time:

I heard their little feet pittering around. I was actually having an exciting dream of cutting up a hot dog for Ella when I was awakened by their whispers, trying to find me. They weren't looking in my bedroom because I've never slept in before, and they wouldn't think to look for me in there.I was so excited that they slept in, and that they let ME sleep in, that I shouted "Cake and ice cream for breakfast!!!"
Anyways, after the dumpster diving, we went to a park called Vogelvoog over in K-Town. It is in a beautiful setting. The kids played for about an hour before deciding it was pretty hot.

On the way out of the park, I spied with my little eye something cold: eis (ice cream). "Hey, anyone want ice cream?" Well, of course the answer was a resounding "YES!!" so we stopped for a bite to eat. I'm just racking up those cool Mom points! I ordered three of the same ice cream sundae, so no one could compare and complain. Look how gosh darn cute they were:

Don't you just wanna scoop some off your screen and eat some? Guess what? Only Colton ate his! The others just took one bite or lick, and said, "Nah, I don't want one." I hate wasting food so then I started to encourage my kids to eat ice cream. I said, "Hey, let's make ice cream soup! We'll eat it out of the clown cups so it looks like we're eating the clown's mushed brains!! Isn't that cool? Who wants clown brains? YUM!!!" Well, that got Ella and Mason to each eat one more bite, but then they were done.
More euros wasted. Oh well.
Here is the clown brains, I mean ice cream 'soup':

I've got more to write, but I have a RS dinner to go to, and I gotta make a salad. So, stay tumed in tomorrow for Part 2.

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