Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Well, I caved. I didn't think I would cave so soon, but I did. Sorry. I couldn't help it. See, this morning the kids all wanted hot chocolate, which was fine, but two of them wanted the same mug. Uh oh. Since it was 7 am and I didn't want any fussing so early in the morning, I caved. I brought Mason out an early Christmas present. I know, PATHETIC! But it was a Toy Story hot chocolate mug set and it made him so happy and kept peace and harmony for a little longer in the early morning hours, so I think I can justify it. Sort of. Here he is with his new mug:

Our day was good: I had German class here but only two ladies could make it, so we really just sat around and talked. In English. Oops. But we had fun. Then Mason and I went grocery shopping. He loved sitting in the big back part of the cart and having me pile the groceries on top of him. We picked up the kids from the bus stop, did some homework, and had a very elaborate dinner. Since Sean's been gone, my culinary skills have just skyrocketed. Tonight I served a rotisserie chicken that the commissary prepared and a loaf of french bread I picked up in the deli. Wow. Emeril would be amazed. But they ate it; sort of.

Then the most amazing change came over Ella. I don't really know how it started. But she went from being normal 5 year old to AMAZING GIRL all within the space of a few minutes. She started being really sweet and helpful. She helped clean up Mason's room. Then she cleaned up her room, all of it, even though she didn't make the mess (you'll never guess who did). Then she cleaned up some paint on the floor from her and Mason's art project. Without being asked. Then she gave everyone hugs. Then she told me if I needed help making my bed tomorrow to just ask her. Wow. Here are the kids' rooms after Angel Ella had swept through them:

Here's Ella with her best friend:

My very own Picasso and his artwork:

And me squishing my favorite girl:

WIll Angelic Ella return tomorrow? Stay tuned...

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