Saturday, May 8, 2010

April 2010

Mason was quiet. That was a bad sign. I had been bringing in groceries and putting them away. I knew Mason was in Ella's room, where he usually likes to play. But he was really quiet. I finally got the nerve to go in there and see what he was up to. He had taken all of Ella's clothes off her hangers, dumped the hangers all over the floor, and shoved all her clothes into her hamper. And he was so proud of it. I had to take a picture of him, before politely asking him to NOT do it again. He did. Less than a week later. Oh well.

My poor little guy has spent much of this month being sick. He has had a hard time fighting an ear infection and a fever. One afternoon he was quiet. Again. In Ella's room. But this time he wasn't up to mischief. He was tired, not feeling well, and decided to curl up in Ella's bed. He fell asleep and took a good nap. This little guy hasn't napped much in the past few months. We had to give up on naps when we started this move. But he still could use one many days, like this day.

Every year we love to decorate eggs. The kids actually like to eat hard boiled eggs, so we rarely keep them til Easter morning. We end up eating them right away. I thought Jaxon might be a little too old to want to dye eggs, but with a little motherly encouragement (threatening), he got in the spirit of things and participated. Colton is Peter Pan, forever a kid at heart, so he loves stuff like this.

The kids were excited for Easter morning. We usually do Easter baskets on Saturday so we can try to focus on the real meaning of Easter on Sunday. Mason and Ella were the first ones awake (what a surprise) and quickly started looking for eggs, candy, and their baskets.

Mason got mad at me. I turned off the movie player in the car since we had arrived at our destination: our house. He threw a fit and refused to get out of his car seat. He stayed in the car for about 5 minutes. I could watch him from the kitchen window. I knocked on the window and started waving and smiling at him. He retaliated with a scowl face and a stuck out tongue. He finally relented and let me take him inside.

Jaxon turned 12 on April 16th. The kid is getting big. He is pretty much a grown up in a 12 year old body. He acts pretty mature for his age and is one smart guy, if I do say so myself. He is no fun though when it comes to presents. For the past few years, he has wanted pretty much one big gift for his birthday or Christmas, so that takes the fun out of surprises when he knows what he is getting. He knew he was going to get an I pod touch, so there wasn't a big "Ah hah!!" moment on his birthday morning, but he was still happy and excited, so that's all that matters.

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