Friday, September 3, 2010

Costumes and Laundry

Remember that cat costume we got for Ella yesterday at the thrift store? Here she is in all her feline glory:

So, I am spending the morning watching my visiting teachee's children. I am watching them make a huge mess of Ella's and Mason's room, watching Ella pretend to be tired and just lay there on the floor rather than play, and watching them shoot each other with a myriad of weapons found in Colton's arsenal. We are off to Ella's classroom in a few hours so Ella can see it for herself. She is SO excited to start Kindergarten next week. I can appreciate that the school does a gradual entry into Kindergarten for those new students who have not had any preschool experience, are shy, or just need a slower start to the school year. But what about those kids who were BORN ready? Who are ready to take off out of the starting blocks at full speed? Is there an accelerated entry for them? Ella is ready for sleep overs at her school and after school specials. She is ready to make new friends, conquer the classroom and pillage the playground.

Well, it has finally happened. Jaxon's feet are bigger than mine. He is only 12, and I have been thinking this day was farther in the future, but it has come. Yesterday morning as we are getting ready to drive to the bus stop, Jaxon informs me that it is PE day and he needs running shoes.
"That was probably good information to tell me BEFORE we have to catch the bus in ten minutes. Like, when we were at the BX, or when I was shopping on line. There isn't a drive thru shoe store on the way to the bus stop."
So, Jaxon takes my running shoes to school with him. They are kinda pinkish, hope he didn't catch too much flack for that. He came home and told me that they were a little too small for him. I'm a 9 1/2. Too small? Really? Cool. So off we went to the BX to see their wonderful selection of overpriced shoes. Jaxon quickly found a pair, and "Wonder of wonders, miracles of miracles..." they actually had his size: a 9 1/2 mens. Wow. He was so excited to wear them when he got home that he didn't take them off for a long time. For Jaxon to be excited about something is a big deal, so of course I had to snap a picture of him in his new Nikes:

So, how is Colton's new teacher working out? So far, so good. I ask him every day if he still likes Mr. Johnson, and he reports back with a "Yes". He has started to make some new friends, and besides not liking the German bread I used for his PB and J sandwich, this first week of school has gone well. He told me this morning that he feels older. He said that he thinks he is becoming more mature because he has a boy teacher. I'm excited for him. I love our little Peter Pan, but if having a male teacher helps him in the maturity department, then that just means Mr. Johnson is all set to get one rockin' Christmas present from the Burkes. Last night I asked Colton to grab blankie from the dryer for Mason so he could go to sleep. Colton took a long time, so when I checked in on him, this is what I found:

Colton had not only taken blankie out of the dryer, he had taken all of the laundry out and was folding it on my bed!! What a sweetheart!!
It's a good thing I had rewarded him earlier after piano lessons with all those ice cream scoops, or eis kuchens for you Deutsch folk out there. Colton started with a double scoop of cookie ice cream, then got Mason's vanilla scoop that he didn't finish. We went back to the ice cream shop after Jaxon's lesson since he wanted some too. So, Colton got another scoop, this time chocolate, and another vanilla from Mason who once again said he wanted one but was just tricking me. So here's Colton with a double decker ice cream creation:

And here's a great one to end on. Mason has been having a hard time staying in his bed to go to sleep. He is definitely getting older and trying to exert his independence by telling me he WON'T stay in his bed. Here he is sliding on the floor into my room with blankie, while Colton was finishing up laundry:

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