Friday, September 24, 2010

Dick and Jane and Angela

Meet Angela.

Angela wants to be great.
Angela is 38.
Angela wants to reach a celestial state.
Angela misses her eternal mate.
Angela likes to help people in a troubled state.
So Angela volunteers.....

Volunteer, Angela, Volunteer

But soon there is too much on Angela's plate.
Angela's day reaches a stale mate:
There is too much to do and no time to wait!

Faster, Angela, Faster

Angela watches other children to try and be nice
Although wiping other's bums is considered her vice

Wipe, Angela, Wipe

Angela counts membership forms for the PTSA
She tallies and reports numbers in an efficient way

Count, Angela, Count

Angela grills chicken for a RS luncheon tomorrow at noon
She is worried she'll poison the sisters by taking the chicken off too soon

Grill, Angela, Grill

Angela buys groceries and hurries to put them away in their place
German kitchens are small and have limited cupboard space

Shove, Angela, Shove

Angela got no sleep since her daughter woke her up at 2
Angela is tired and feeling a bit blue

Yawn, Angela, Yawn

Angela's daughter has two birthday parties tomorrow and presents must be bought
Off to the BX we go, though their present selection ain't so hot

Shop, Angela, Shop
Wrap, Angela, Wrap

Angela's eldest is going to a school dance tonight
The thought of Jaxon and girls gives his mother a fright

Find a happy place, Angela, Find a happy place....

Dinner, scriptures, stories and off to bed
Angela will soon be ready for another day ahead....

Sleep, Angela, Sleep

1 comment:

Nate, Jenny and Amelia said...

That needs to be published! I don't know how you do it all.