Monday, June 28, 2010


Do you know that book, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day? Well, I feel a little like Alexander today. I woke up and had to do two speed twitch push ups with Tony. I HATE two speed twitch push ups. Then I had to clean the bathroom. I HATE to clean the bathroom, especially when less than an hour later someone dirties it up really badly. Then my German teacher called and cancelled my lesson. I HATE when lessons get cancelled. Then I went to meet a lady on base to pick us items for a friend moving here, and she never showed up. I HATE getting blown off with three kids in a car for half an hour. Then I had to get a medical power of attorney. I HATE getting medical power of attorneys. Well, not really, but when you're taking three kids into a law center that are tired of running errands and decide its fun to start poking each other and screaming that one of them has a full diaper and demands a diaper change RIGHT THIS minute, then I hate getting medical power of attorneys. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Oh, we grocery shopped. With the three aforementioned cranky kids. Not good. Is it a bad sign when the commissary checker asks if you are ok? Are you sure? she asked. Of course I'm ok! Don't I look OK? Grrrr. Now she just needs to ask if I'm tired because, you look tired...(that's my other pet peeve). On a good note, we had FHE about Patriotism and talked about the 4th of July. I let the kids make fourth of July cupcakes and we ate the cake mix at 4:48 pm. I wonder why they didn't eat their dinner at 5:15 pm, hmm....

Here are the kids eating their cake mix. I know, raw eggs are in there, but it tastes SOOOO good.
Here is Mason showing off his favorite outfit: his blankie dress.

It's getting hot here. In the high 80's. I know its nothing compared to a desert in Afghanistan, but it still makes me miss central air. Oh, our landlord rocks. I found his car here when we returned from our errands and he spent about three hours sanding the room under our garage so we can use it for more storage. Right now the walls have water damage and he is fixing it. Then I showed him how some roladens were either stuck or broken, and he fixed those, no problem. Yea! He is also going to work on fixing the wintergarten beams that are getting old. What, you may ask, is a wintergarten? Well, come to Germany, visit us, and find out!!

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