Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Sunday

Well, Ella woke up on the wrong side of the bed. She spent much of the morning being reminded of rules like, "No means No; not keep bugging Mom in hopes she'll change her mind", and "Keep your hands to yourself, not all over your little brother", and "No nasty talk just because you don't get what you want." She broke down yesterday for a minute when she was being reprimanded for talking back, and cried, "I miss Daddy". Oh darn, I should have paid better attention in that Intro to Child Psych class in college. I have to realize some of her misbehavior is due to Sean's absence. I will try to be more sympathetic, but I can't let her get away with breaking all the rules. Maybe just bending one or two. Here she is with a pretty in her hair (it lasted 5 minutes) playing Play doh:

Jaxon has been on a bratwurst kick. He loves those things and is quite the griller. Here he is grilling up some lunch:

Colton has been on a Lego kick since Jacob came to stay with us this weekend. Jacob loves Legos almost as much as the Burke boys. Colton dug threw his Lego bucket and built some cool creations this morning.

The kids looked great today for Church. The boys were all in suits and even Ella was pretty spiffy in a beautiful dress. She had to change out of this one because look how short it is on her! The girl needs to learn basketball because she is growing so tall, so quickly!! Watch out Colton!

Here's Mason in his preferred foot attire. He changed into these as soon as he got home. (My high heels)

And here's a happy one to end on: Mason screaming that he has a full diaper and wants a new one, NOW!

P.S. While I've been writing this, Ella has been busy. She has completely done a 180 degree turn and cleaned up her room all by herself! You go girl!

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