Monday, August 23, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things:

Some things I just love to see; such as my kids happily playing, even if the room they are playing in is a MESS:

And I love to see my kids actually working, doing chores, TOGETHER!!

I love to see my kids all sit down together for dinner, especially after Jaxon and Colton actually worked together to build something, in this case, a Lego ship:

I love that there are rose bushes right outside my bedroom window which can brighten my day when I wake up every morning:

Oh. And there's one more thing I love.


Delivery trucks to be more specific.

From European Country Living.

They didn't just need to bring the van, they had to bring the truck. Sweet!!
Colton was the first to spot this magnificent sight coming up our street.
All kids had been prepped and ready for the big event.
"MMMOOOOMMMMM!!!! It's here!!"
"Ok!" I yelled. "Everyone in position! Colton, open the door! Ella, grab the camera! Mason, stand there and look cute!"

Here they are getting the first piece, a hall tree, off the truck.

And here is Ella posing with it in the hallway. She was sooo excited it has a mirror so she can check her lip gloss status several times a day.

Then we watched as the movers took the Spanish bookshelf off the truck.

I had thought putting the bookshelf downstairs was a good idea because that room needed a little extra special something to make it feel finished. The movers took the shelf down the outside stairs to see if they could bring it into the family room that way, since the stairs going down from inside the house were too narrow and twisty. They brought it down outside and then reality set in: TOO TALL. Oops. Note to self: bring tape measure next time you buy big furniture. Ok, so they were nice and weren't too worried. They looked at the window downstairs next to the door and said, "We can carry it through this window."
"Sure!" I replied. Except that was Jaxon's room and the floor was covered with Legos. Covered. Well, not anymore. I ran in there and pushed everything over to the side. Sorry Jaxon. Then the movers decided it would be better to come through the window in the family room. So they took the bookshelf through the back yard, laid some blankets in the windowsill, and brought that bad boy right on through. Whoopie!!

I know, I don't have a picture of the bookshelf once its all up and beautiful. I'll take one today and post later. We are off to the swimming pool today for some last summer vacation fun. I'm bringing my sunglasses so I can't see all the hair around me so clearly and razors that I will be liberally passing out to all the women and their underarms and all the men and their backs. Wish us luck!!

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