Monday, November 15, 2010

Miss Me?

I know, I'm sorry, once again, I'm a few days behind. To say we've been busy is like saying German chocolate is ok, or ECL is just a store, or Tony Horton is kinda in shape. So, where were we? Oh yes, Saturday! I had a cold: Boo! No fun! But I got a call from my sweet friend who recently lost her house in a fire. She was moving into her new house and wanted to know if her daughter could play with Ella for the day. SURE!! Lea is a sweet little girl and was a joy to have here. Ella, on the other hand, was unfortunately taken over by a stinker spirit for a few hours. Once we banished the stinkerness, peace and joy returned to the household and the girls had a great time together. We baked cookies, watched a Barbie movie, and they dressed up as the Three Musketeers all afternoon with Mason being the third musketeer (you know how he loves dress up). At night, I took Mason and Colton to the high school to watch a bunch of kids from our church perform in the musical Peter Pan. They thought it was fun to stay up late and do something different. Except Mason kept saying "Where's the movie?" He didn't understand the idea of a play. He sat through it very nicely though. The funniest part was when some of the cast came down to the front of the audience and danced with the children sitting on mats on the floor. My kids hadn't wanted to sit there, but when the dancing started, Mason started taking baby steps closer and closer to the front. By the time he made it to the mats, the actors were done, but he was so proud of himself for walking up there, he sat down on the mat and kept turning around every 2 seconds, smiling, and waving at me, two rows behind. Everyone on my side of the audience was giggling at how cute he was. By 9 pm the play was done so we did a quick run through the BK drive through for essentials: french fries and milk shakes.
On Sunday, we weren't off to a great Sabbath start when my eldest took out all his weapons and was found chasing his younger brother downstairs. I got tough. I confiscated all weapons, and the new computer. Ohhhh, I know, Tough Mom. His behavior quickly improved. I don't want my kids to dislike Sundays or think they can't be fun. We have to find a calm level of fun that doesn't involve screaming, chasing, or sword fighting. How do you keep the Sabbath holy with little kids but still have a good time? Well, I pulled out a new game ( I know, I know, that's TWICE I've dipped into the Christmas stash), but it changed the whole mood in the house. I had recently bought the game CREATIONARY for the family. It's a Lego game where you try to use pieces to build different objects while the other players guess what you built. Well, it was a huge success and everyone had a good time building and guessing. Especially Jaxon and Colton. Jaxon easily gets bored on Sundays with no electronics allowed, but he had a wonderful day trying to build things and having me and Colton guess what they were. I played too and let's just say my building skills could easily be surpassed by just about any preschooler. Here are Jaxon and Colton with two of their creations at lunch:

Here's Mason as Cowboy Batman, totally unrelated but nonetheless very cute:

And here's Ella working on her latest masterpiece:

Gotta wake the kids up...I'll tell you about Monday later....

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