Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Taxi Driving and Dookies

Today I spent a majority of my time in the car. I am thinking of having it painted yellow and black. Since I am often a taxi service, I might as well look like one. After dropping Colton at the bus stop and Ella at preschool, Mason and I went visiting teaching. Then we cruised on over to the KMCC in search of teacher gifts for the end of the year. I opted for the good ol' stand-by gift: gift certificates. Did you know that I had to pay a "gift certificate fee" on top of the price of each gift card? Have you ever heard of that ? That's crazy! How hard is it to buy a gift card? What extra work is involved for someone to use it? I was offended, but short on time, so I caved and paid the extra fees for each card. Robbery. I'm sure its just an AAFES thing. I never had to pay an extra fee for a Target gift card. Better not get me started down that road. Back to our day. Jaxon has been designing a huge Lego battle scene in his room. He even told me he needed to clean it up so he could strategically place all the main characters and have enough space for the big battle. This is what the battle looked like as of 2pm today:

For the small space of time that Mason and I were home this afternoon, this is what we did:

After bouncing on the trampoline, he showed off his balancing skills:

Then, we decided to make some cookies, or "dookies" as Mason calls them. He is an excellent stirrer and world renown taste tester.

Then we picked up Colton and Ella from school for piano lessons.
We played at the nearby park and were able to hear Colton playing piano from across the street. Cool. Then we saw a sweet little old German lady with "eis": ice cream. She spoke English and after seeing Mason drooling over hers, pointed us around the corner to the ice cream shop. We picked up Colton and headed over there for three scoops of 'vanille'.

What goes better after ice cream than McDonalds? And since its right on the way home, we picked up chicken nuggets for everyone for dinner. Mason knew the rule as soon as we got home and started eating:

Nuggets first! (then french fries)

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