Sunday, October 10, 2010

Awesome Ella

Ella was truly angelic on Saturday. She woke up on the right side of the bed and was wonderful and helpful all day. I took just her with me to the commissary to get some food. We talked shop: recipes, hair color, shoes, and accessories. She helped me pick everything out, push the cart and load up the belt at the check out stand. She even carried in the grocery bags faster than her two older brothers could grab them. You go girl! So the following is definitely NOT a picture of Ella sitting on my lap driving the car down the last few feet of our street to our house.

She was so excited to wear a new shirt from Christy to school on Friday. I told her I had the perfect necklace and bracelet to go with her outfit and she couldn't have been more happy to wear real jewelry to school.

After putting away the groceries, Ella got down to serious business. Decorating the pumpkin we picked out at the commissary. I bought these fun little shapes that fit into the pumpkin to make a face, no carving required. Now, I have nothing against carving, but in a house with three boys, I really think the less I take out sharp objects and show cool things I can do with them, the better. Plus, my pumpkins always go bad so soon and then the whole mold issue becomes a factor I hate to deal with. Here's Ella decorating the pumpkin with Jaxon:

And this is what happens when you buy a new electric toothbrush for your daughter. She is so excited to use it as soon as she gets home, that she brushes her teeth even though she hasn't eaten anything:

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