Saturday, September 18, 2010

Flea Market Finds

I admit, I am one girl who loves a good deal. I love flea markets, thrift stores, and yard sales. So, I was excited to go to the monthly flea market at Rhine Ordinance Barracks this morning. Of course it was made extra fun because I met Christy there, and she is my favorite shopping partner (besides you Sean). I struck gold at one booth with three ladies selling girl clothes, sizes 6 + 7: Ella's size: PERFECT!!! Now, one might ask, does Ella need new clothes? But to me, that is like asking, does one really need to eat every day, or can you skip a day here and there? Or does one really need to shower after a grueling workout, or can't an extra squirt of perfume cover things up? WRONG!!! Ella is my only daughter, and by holding that title she is guaranteed the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of super cute clothes on sale. I found some great pants, jeans, and sweaters for her, which she genuinely needs since winter is fast approaching and the girl really only wears dresses right now. And then I turned the corner and saw All for either $1 or $2 a pair. Yes folks, the clouds actually parted, angels came down and played trumpets as I made out like a bandit and scored some sweet deals on fabulous foot wear. I found a cool air hockey table for Colton and a play gun for Mason, but who am I kidding, Mason loves Ella's clothes as much as she does, so I knew he'd be wearing those clothes and shoes too. Here is my sweet girl with her new stash of stuff:

And this is how I found Mason when I came back from the flea market:

And that toy gun I got for him? Guess who picked it up right away and used it on his younger brother?

Here's Ella in one of her new outfits which she modeled for us in an impromptu fashion show:

And probably my best find of the day was a box of these:

There was a Krispy Kreme fund raiser going on today so I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to help support the Fisher House by not buying some glazed donuts for the kinder. Yes they were old and a bit stale, but 10 seconds in the microwave can do wonders with them, not to mention it's been over nine months since we've had the real deal, so we're not super picky.

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