Monday, September 13, 2010

There is Beauty All Around...When There's Love at Home

So, how does Family Home Evening work in your home? Are Monday nights full of harmonious love and unity as your family gathers together to discuss a gospel principle, share ideas, and grow closer together? Well, this is what FHE looks like in our house:

Can't you just feel the love through your computer screen? Doesn't the peace and harmony just jump out of this picture?

I asked Colton to be in charge of Family Home Evening this week and he was ready and willing to assume the role of teacher. The lesson was on being a good missionary. So, he had cut out fish with phrases on them that either described a situation where someone was being a good 'fish'ionary or a bad 'fish'ionary. When Colton is in charge, he wants things to go a certain way: perfectly. Now, Mason had other plans. He didn't want to sit and listen to anything, he just wanted to grab the fishing pole and start fishing. Conflict arose between Mason and Colton as Colton soon discovered that being in charge is harder than it looks. Hmm..."Being a parent is hard work, huh Colton? It's frustrating when no one listens to what you are saying?"
So, Colton did a great job even though he had to shout above Mason's screams. Ella loved the lesson and fishing for good opportunities to share the gospel.

Jaxon was just kickin' back enjoying the whole show.

And here we are when things calmed down a bit:

Before this started up again:

Both Ella and Mason bore their testimonies at the end of the lesson and they were beautiful. So all in all, a success. Warm apple pie with ice cream for dessert made the evening a success. Jaxon wants to be in charge next week...hee hee...can't wait! Stay tuned....

1 comment:

Nate, Jenny and Amelia said...

So funny. I can just picture it!