Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A typical Sunday evening

I have to play catch up since I am a few days behind. I was gonna let Sunday evening slip by without writing about it, but there are some memories that need to be remembered. Like Jaxon singing a lullaby to Mason. I was busy in the kitchen making these guys for Mason's birthday:

Alien guy cupcakes from Toy Story. So, Jaxon decided to sit in Mason's room with him and sing him some songs to help him fall asleep. I was in the kitchen, and I kept hearing interesting phrases from Jaxon's song:
...vampires won't attack.....math teachers.....zombies all around.......Stalin and Lenin.....communism.........Chuck Norris........."
I know I was only hearing bits and pieces, but it was hilarious. Jaxon was incorporating all his favorite things and current interests into one heck of a lullaby for Mason. He was even singing it to his own catchy tune. (FYI: Jaxon is NOT a fan of communism, just history, and has been reading about different forms of government and political parties on his own this past summer, but he is a HUGE fan of Chuck Norris. On a side note, goggle Chuck Norris. It's funny. It will say "You don't go looking for Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris looks for YOU!) Ok, back to the lullaby. So, Jaxon is in Mason's room for a good 15 minutes singing to him. Yes, I know, I should have gotten out the video camera. I will try to get him to recreate the song at a later date. But here's a picture of Jaxon singing to Mason in his bed. Priceless:

And here's Mason enjoying a cupcake before his birthday because he said "Peez" (please) so of course I couldn't resist:

Both Ella AND Jaxon helped make the cupcakes for Mason, which I thought was super sweet. They also taste tested the cake batter to make sure it was up to Burke standards.

So, you might be asking yourself, "Where's Colton? Why isn't he making cupcakes or singing to Mason?"
GOOD QUESTION!! That's because Colton was feeling sorry for himself for getting in trouble and decided to run away. He ran upstairs to hide in a closet for a few minutes, then took things to the next level by going actually outside and throwing himself into the cardboard recycling bin. Now, just to let you know, we have three big trash cans out front. One is for GROSS yucky trash, the normal trash can that you fill with disgusting garbage. Colton was smart and didn't hide out in that one. Then we have one for biodegradable stuff: food scraps and yard trimmings. Yup, Colton decided not to put up residence in that one either. So, he choose to hide behind curtain number three in the big blue paper trash bin. Nothing gross in there because it had just been emptied a few days before. Now Ella was seriously worried about him. Jaxon and I know Colton pretty well and knew he was just being a nut. Ella went out looking for him and found him here:

She started to get worried about Colton and even shed a few tears that he might stay out there all night. It lasted about 5 minutes, then Colton came inside and all was well once again. If he acts up again though, I'm making him climb into the black trash can next time, the RESTMULL one, that's the real garbage can. YUCK!!

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