Monday, July 5, 2010

2 hours 49 minutes

That's how long I spent on hold today, waiting to make a doctor's appointment. Do you think I ever got through? Nope. I tried everything to make someone pick up: I went to the bathroom. Surely the operator could sense I was peeing and embarrass me by picking up my call at that very moment. I ate crunchy food. It would be hard to talk and make an appointment with carrots in my mouth. I cleaned the bathroom with alternating hands; surely the operator could sense I was scrubbing a toilet while trying to hold on to the phone with my chin and not drop it in the toilet, and would answer my call right there and then. No such luck. I played two rounds of Yatzee with Colton. I made dinner. Still I continued to be told that all lines were busy right now and that my call would be answered "as soon as possible". Not "shortly", or "quickly" but "as soon as possible". It was pathetic. By 6:05pm I gave up, threw in the towel, and hung up. I still need to make an appointment, but I think close to three hours is my limit. I will try again tomorrow, bright and early. On a positive note, we went to the BX to buy a new blender. What's positive about that? Didn't you just buy one three weeks ago? Yes, and it already died from my two-a-day smoothie consumption. So, I bought a bigger and better one. But the positive part was that we swung by the customer service department. Colton lost his wallet at the BX Friday night. It had $15 in it and a whole bunch of cool pictures that we had just put in it. Luckily, he had given me $20 of his money earlier, so when he realized the wallet was lost, he wasn't completely out of all his money. The wallet was found, returned, and once again I gotta say I like military people because not one cent was missing. Cool. Colton had been praying that it would be found, and before we left for the BX he said he had a good feeling that we would find it. As we were leaving the store, I could see him mouthing something; he was saying a gratitude prayer. Good boy. Lesson learned. Prayers are answered and the faith of a little child can move mountains, or at least find lost possessions. Colton said he wasn't upset about losing the money, but sad that he had lost pictures of his cousins and siblings. What a great kid. Here he is right after the wallet was returned:

And here are the kids having celebratory pizza after finding the wallet:

On a sad note, I said goodbye to my eldest son this morning. He left for five and a half days in Switzerland for Scout Camp. Isn't that cool? I love living in Germany. How many 12 year olds get to go to Switzerland for Scout Camp? He at first was adamant about NOT going. No way. Stop bugging me Mom, I am NOT going. Then one of his friends signed up, and quickly his mind changed. I think he realized he wouldn't have to practice piano for a week and there'd be no younger siblings to bug him for almost a whole week. I am sure the real reason he didn't want to go at first was because he loves his Mom SOOOOO much that the thought of leaving her for any length of time was just too much to bear. But then that Mom kept bugging him about it and he knew it would make her happy to spread his wings a bit and try something new, so he went, just to please her and show how much he loves her. Yea right. Five days, no piano practice, and a missed lesson. Here he is ready to leave:

And here's Mason, Ella and Colton with their goodies that we got at the Netto store bakery. We dropped Jaxon off at the Netto parking lot, so of course we had to go inside and check out what yummy pasteries were available for breakfast.

Oh yeah, and I ordered everything in German. Yup, I'm a local. Ok, so it was only a total of about 6 words but I said them in German. I will be fluent in no time, well, maybe after about 1,000 more lessons.

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