Thursday, July 1, 2010


Today the younger kids played really nicely together. We were home til about 2pm and they played well most of that time. Ella and Mason played dolls, Barbies, and found their backpacks so they had to play school. Mason was so excited to find his Diego sunglasses that had been MIA in his Toy Story backpack. He wore his sunglasses all around the house while he and Ella loaded up their backpacks with snacks and played school. The funny thing is as soon as we went outside into the sun, he didn't wear his shades.

Ella found her sunglasses and decided to make them part of a unique outfit that only Ella could pull off. She looks kinda "old Hollywood" with the big frames.

And of course Colton can't be left out:

Here's Mason with his backpack ready to play school with Ella and Colton:

I can only imagine what subjects are being taught in their school.

We took Jaxon to the eye doctor for a contact lens fitting. We were there for a LONG time but I forgot how long it can take to get used to putting a little piece of plastic on your eyeball. He got the hang of it, and now Jaxon is an official contact lens wearer. Here he is at home getting his contact stuff together:

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