Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday, July 4th

We had a pretty good day. The kids played really well together in the morning. It is just too HOT. For all those people who were complaining a few weeks ago about the cooler weather, I hope you're happy, cuz I'm not!! Heat only works if you have a way to cool off, i.e. air conditioning. Otherwise, it's just darn annoying. Germans are so brilliant about many things; like rolladens. Best invention for windows EVER. Still light at bedtime? No problem! Just drop those things down and instant nighttime. But, no air conditioning in their houses, I don't get. I realize that the heat doesn't last for too long, but some of us Americans are weak and need central air. We are not comfortable walking around barely clothed in a vain attempt to keep cool. We are used to comfort and instant gratification and these puny fans just aren't cutting it. On another note, it's amazing how much time I spent in the kitchen considering its Fast Sunday. When the kids are home, they love to snack, all day. Plus I was trying to make food to take to a barbecue this evening. Church was good, but hot. I guess everyone must have been fasting and praying for rain because halfway through Sacrament meeting we had a brief but intense thunder storm, lighting included. Wow, those Mormons have some faith! Great, now its hot AND humid. After church, we went to the Evett's house for dinner. The kids had fun, a little too much fun. They were bouncing on the trampoline with some other kids, making lots of noise, and were told by the German neighbor to be quiet. Those Germans love their quiet time. So, we left early. I don't think its fair to keep shhh-ing kids when they're outside. Here they are having fun before being shh-ed.

Here's a funny picture from our church parking lot. I came out of the building and saw my car as one of triplets. It must have gone through meiosis or some type of reproduction while I was inside because I left one car three hours before and came out to three of the same lined up; kinda funny. Blue Honda Odysseys are the Mormon minivan of choice for the Ramstein Ward.

DId I have any trouble telling which one was mine? Naw, I'm now making Sean proud and backing into parking stalls wherever I go. Oh, and my car is the one with all the dings and scratches. That's a dead giveaway too.

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