Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This is the sign on our bathroom door. Its not the naughty spot. Bad means bath in German. Bad means yucky, wrong, or terrible in English. Both describe parts of this day. I spent most of the day in the bathroom. I have an Uncomfortable Troublesome Infection that makes me feel like I have the bladder the size of a snail. I now have new sympathy for our daughter who needs to pee every 2.1 minutes, regardless of whether or not she's had anything to drink. Remember how I spent almost three hours on the phone waiting for an appointment? I come to find out that the hospital was closed yesterday so there were no appointments. I think someone forgot to tell this to Mr. Automated Voice who continued to remind me every 45 seconds that someone would be with me as soon as possible. So I made an appointment for today and luckily a friend was able to watch the kids since I had watched hers in the morning for her own drs. appointment. This is what our family room looked like after 6 kids were playing/thrashing around in it:

The other reason I spent half my day in the bathroom is Mason. He is trying to potty train himself. He doesn't want to wear diapers, but he drinks more than a sailor in need of an AA meeting and constantly is telling me he has a full diaper. The problem is, he isn't WEARING a diaper when he tells me this. Hence, the need for many baths to wash him off:

Now I gotta tell you about my doctor's appointment. He was very nice, laid back, and didn't probe me with a bunch of questions. He was a bit shocked when I told him I didn't drink. "Really?" "Yup, I'm in Germany, the land of beersteins, and I don't drink. Call me crazy. Or boring. Or HEALTHY!" Then he checked out my kidneys by tapping on them. Then it got interesting. "You've got a mole back here." Me: "Oh, ok." Dr." Do you have skin cancer in your family?" Me: "Woah!! How'd we go from peeing a lot to cancer? Back up the bus! Remember, I don't drink or smoke, I'm healthy." Dr: "Have you ever had skin cancer yourself?" "Uh, no, but you're starting to freak me out." Dr. "Its irregular sized." Me: "Get the knife. Let's cut it out." Dr.: Really? Ok, talk to my nurse and we'll schedule a time for the procedure." Me: "Procedure? How'd I go from peeing to a procedure? Oh, while you're looking, I got another mole back here..." Dr.: "Yeah, let's get rid of both of them." Me: "Uh, ok. Can I get admitted? Put under? Can Sean come home on emergency leave to take care of me while I recover from this procedure?" Dr: "Take a Motrin before you come. You'll be fine. Do you lift weights?" Me: (blush) "Yeah, thanks for noticing. Ok. I'm tough. Forget the motrin. Just cut me."
So, in two weeks I go back to have a 'procedure'. Cool. I need to let Relief Society know so I can score me some free dinners. JUST KIDDIN'!!
We are going to take Colton to Scouts tonight, read some stories, and call it a day. Tomorrow: the swimming pool. Sweet. This whole week is brought to you by the letter P. As in Pee. Peeing frequently: Me. Peeing in Underwear: Mason. Swimming in Pee: us tomorrow at the public pool.

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